Bible to Life Kingdom Resourses
"The Church is not waiting on Christ to return; Christ is waiting on the Church before He can return."
Jesus—Son of Man, Son of God, and God the Son, has an extremely optimistic view of today and tomorrow. A victorious view of the outcome of His Church, fulfilling all things on the earth. It was a joy for Jesus to know by succeeding in His earthly mission—ministry, He would empower His Church through the infilling presence of His Holy Spirit, to succeed in Hers.
It was a literal joy for Jesus to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Church He builds, would not fail or be overtaken by the influences of evil. It was for this joy set before Jesus, that He willingly endured the cross, with all its sufferings and shame. At no time in history had the authorities or influences of evil defeated Jesus, not in His incarnation as the Son of Man or His earthly ministry. Neither in His death—dying as an atoning sacrifice for us, once and for all humanity.
The eschatology of Jesus—His view of the last things regarding His Church, is victorious. Just as Jesus the Son of Man was never defeated by evil, therefore His body—His Church, will never be defeated by evil. For the Church to fail in her global mission to disciple nations by causing the experiential knowledge of God’s glory to completely cover the earth, would mean Jesus failed in building His Church, His universal body of believers; to which the gates of hades cannot prevail. Scripture portrays the Church—The body of Christ, that Jesus builds, as the victor—more than conquerors but overcomers in this world.
“I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Matthew 16:18
"Don't have faith in your faith, have faith in God"
Throughout the pages of this book, you will learn that you have already received from God the exact measure of faith needed to change the world in a positive way. You will learn that the amount of faith is not a scriptural requirement though a believer only needs the smallest of faith or simply “any faith at all,” to move mountains in their life and the lives of others.
Believers do not have faith in their faith, therefore always striving to make sure they have enough faith. Believers simply just have faith in God. Faith is not based on a formula, though faith is a result of our daily heartfelt relationship with God, lived out and experienced with the One who first loved us.
It is my desire through the teachings of Jesus concerning faith, to provide the reader with different perspectives of “Faith That Jesus Taught.” I trust you are inspired by the testimonies of the goodness of God, found throughout these pages; encouraged, and emboldened to practically apply what you have learned to make a difference in your life and the lives of others.
"Do you know what you believe, or do you simply believe what others know?"
For God so loved that He gave, though in His giving did God provide a little, a lot, or all of Himself—through Christ, to every believer the very moment they believed? This question is presented and scripturally answered in “His Fullness Received”. This a question thoughtfully designed and interwoven throughout the pages and chapters, in hopes of encouraging New Covenant believers to evaluate what they believe and why they believe it—regarding a believer's identity in Christ and their purpose for living victoriously in His kingdom, on earth.
The reason for writing “His Fullness Received” is to offer a scriptural understanding of New Covenant believers' true identity in Christ and to show how easy it is to live life successfully in a new and better covenant, with better promises. My heart desires to share with you what I value as truth and to share these truths in love that have changed my life and the lives of those who have heard them. There is no doubt the material presented throughout this book will challenge, encourage, and inspire you, as each page reveals the simplicity of the gospel, revealing many progressive, present-day truths a believer may never have seen or been taught before. This material carries the ability when read and received, to empower every believer to live a life beyond the veil of an Old Covenant and victoriously in a new and better covenant every day of their life.
"If believers want to see the glory of God, then they
must release God's glory."
Every Believer’s Authority is more than just an informative book written about such topics as authority, spiritual warfare, and the supernatural. Within the pages of this book, you will discover New Covenant biblical blueprints designed and inspired by God to educate and empower all believers to walk in their inherited Kingdom authority through the infilling power of the Holy Spirit. This message reveals the true identity of every believer and the authority they inherited as a direct result of redemption.
Every believer will be challenged, encouraged, and empowered as they read the material presented and take to heart the revelatory truths of God’s Word, now made readily available and easy to understand. Readers can immediately put the truths found in this book to work, starting from the very moment they gain a revelation of their inherited Kingdom authority in Christ, as sons and daughters of God.