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Bible to Life Church: Who We Are?

"Everyone is welcome to come and be a part of something bigger than themselves."


As a New Covenant, kingdom-minded ministry; we believe in remaining word based and spirit-led. BTLC has been entrusted by God with the responsibility of teaching believers their true biblical identity and purpose in Christ. Teaching believers “who they are in Christ” and “the fullness of who Christ already is, now living within every believer, the very moment they believed”.


At BTLC it is our intense desire to fulfill the commission God has entrusted to us as a ministry, “Seeing People”. As well as fulfilling our mandate as a ministry; to cause the knowledge of God's glory to cover the earth as the waters cover the seas, 'completely.' Our mission is accomplished by focusing on training and equipping God's sons and daughters for effective works of service unto the Lord. 


At BTLC we believe that every believer is a minister, has a voice, and holds value within the Body of Christ. At Bible to Life Church, "Everybody is welcome and everybody is somebody because Jesus is Lord."

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