Theological and Practical Ministry School “Launch”
-Second Year Syllabus-
God’s Pursuing Love—Theological Studies seven weeks
In course study number one, “God’s Pursuing Love” students will learn beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God is good. Within this course, we’ll take a journey through the four major covenants God made with man in the Old Testament: Noahic Covenant, Abrahamic Covenant, Mosaic Covenant, and Davidic Covenant. We’ll learn how Christ was prophesied through the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants and why the Mosaic Covenant did not reflect the character and nature of God, nor was it God’s will to establish the Mosaic Law. Students will see God’s love throughout the ages of time and His unfailing love for all humanity as His pursuing love was made evident throughout the Old and New Testaments. This course is one of the most life-changing, eye-openers, as believers learn to see God as they have never been taught to see Him before. After participating in the teaching of this course, believers will never be the same again.
His Fullness Received—Theological Studies Seven Weeks
In course study number two "His Fullness Received" Students will learn through scripture, the fullness of who Christ is in them and who they are in Christ, the very moment they were born again. For God so loved that He gave, though in His giving did God give a little, a lot, or all of Himself—through Christ, to every believer the very moment they believed? This is the question presented and scripturally answered in this life-changing, revelationary course. A question thoughtfully designed and inner woven throughout in hopes of encouraging new covenant believers to evaluate what they believe and why they believe it—pertaining to their identity in Christ and purpose for living victoriously in His kingdom. Students will be challenged over and over with the same question "Do you know what you believe or do you simply believe what others know?" If there was only one course a believer could take, this would be the one that changes their lives forever.
Dreams and Prophetic Interpretations—Practical Studies six weeks
In course study number three “Dreams and Interpretations” all students will learn how to gather information that will assist in understanding and interpreting dreams. This will include a vast number of symbols and their common interpretations. Each Student will also learn how to recognize dreams given by God. As we move through the material applying practical exercises on a weekly basis, every student will also learn the different types of dreams, dreams of destiny, dreams of edification, dreams of direction and instruction, God dreams, demonic dreams, etc. This practical six-week dreams and prophetic interpretations course will instill confidence while empowering believers with the ability to understand God speaks in many ways.
Popular Christian Belief Systems—Theological Studies four weeks
In course study number four, “Popular Christian Belief Systems” Students will be introduced to four of the main views of theology held by most Christians—Dispensationalism, Calvinism, Covenant Theology, and New Covenant Theology. These individual belief systems are also known as “filters.” Meaning; a lens (perspective) believers have been taught to look through to view the scriptures. During this course, we’ll cover these belief systems in detail to identify the truth of God’s word, seen through the eyes of Christ, now living in a New and Better Covenant with better promises.
Living Victorious in the Kingdom—Theological Studies Seven Weeks
In course study number five, “Living Victorious in the Kingdom” we’ll scripturally show where the kingdom of God came with the King and to the increase of God’s kingdom on earth, there will be no end. Students will then learn to answer the question, “Is the kingdom of God heaven and if not, what is the kingdom of God?” Within this course, students will also learn what Christ accomplished through His natural sufferings, death, descent, resurrection, ascension, and enthronement at the right hand of His Father, dying as a sacrifice for all humanity. This course will also cover in detail the message of grace; what is grace, grace works, grace requires faith, and what grace looks like. We will also cover in detail the message of faith; faith that moves mountains, faith that Jesus taught faith without doubting and the faith of God. This course will move our students further away from an Old and obsolete covenant to embrace and walk in the fulfillment of the New Covenant.
The Eschatology of Jesus—Theological Studies four weeks
In course study number six, “The Eschatology of Jesus” we’ll learn from scripture that Jesus has an optimistic view of the future. This course will dispel all fear taught in many churches today concerning the end times or last days. We’ll cover in detail Matthew chapters 21, 22, 23, and 24, scripturally showing where the events prophesied by Jesus were not for our present-day or our future but were already fulfilled in A.D. 70. It is important to understand the New Covenant in light of the Old Covenant which was made obsolete at the cross, though soon to experientially fade away in A.D. 70. Therefore, the two covenants coexisted at the same time during a transitional period that lasted from A.D. 30 to A.D. 70. Ending with the destruction of Jerusalem and the burning of the Jewish Temple and the complete annihilation of the Jewish Temple System, Law of Moses, and the Old Covenant age, ushering in the age to come (The Kingdom age)..